Friday, February 8, 2008

"The Axis of She-Vil"

The New York Post isn't known for it's positive coverage of queer issues, but even I was floored when I saw their article that ran yesterday titled "The Axis of She-Vil: Death to Gays but Free Ops for Irani Trannies" the poor taste of the cover is just the beginning of this tabloid sensationalistic piece which is in theory telling the stories of what it means to be transgender within Iran where the "crime" of "homosexuality" is punished by death, however trans issues are understood to be medical conditions where the government pays for people to have SRS.

While an interesting topic to explore, the Post did a horrific job of turning this into something to laugh about especially in regards to the article's title and they showed a complete lack of understanding and sensitivity to LGBTQ issues or people.

The full article can be found online here:

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