Sunday, November 11, 2007

"i would be [ok with the cutest heterosexual couple] because it's the norm in society"

In typical O'Reilly fashion, Bill O'Reilly homophobically attacks a couple of lesbian teenagers whose school voted them the "cutest couple" in a competition for the yearbook. In this O'Reilly rant we watch as he attempts to railroad his guest Dr. Laura Berman NorthWestern University , and discuss with her how the action of the couple was highly inapropriate, how they were being sexually provocative. According to O'Reilly these two kids which he refers to as "so called self-proclaimed lesbians" were only attempting to "tweak" adults, and make adults uncomfortable, completly negating the fact that the girls are in love, and that their peers voted them the cutest couple in the school.

Attempting to bully Dr. Berman (who by the way held her own against him better and more successfully than most of his 'guests') O'Reilly went off on a tirade about how it was inapropriate behavior in the public school system, how it went against the morals of many parents, and was going to encourage experametnation. The crux of his argument centered around the idea that private behavior belonged in private, insistant that he was "not udging anyone" O'Reilly was backed into a corner by Dr. Berman and was was forced to admit that he would not have an issue with a heterosexual "cutest couple" because "it's the norm of society"

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