Sunday, July 15, 2007

Lesbian Gangs

FOX “news” doesn’t have a particularly good track record for fair reporting or journalistic integrity. However, they are highly respected by large numbers of the American population who take their version of reality as truth and newsworthy. AS such, the reporting that they do on various issues is highly important when exploring the ways in which media representations of marginalized groups affect general public opinion. Recently the O’Reilly factor decided to take on what they have determined is the epidemic of “lesbian gangs” across the United States. The broadcast begins with discussing a real news case based out of New York City. In this case four lesbians have been sentenced to jail for allegedly beating up a heterosexual man. Fox’s analysis is that these woman beat up an innocent man. However the situation is much more complicated than the reporting implies, the women claim that the man approached them first, spit on them, and that they were acting in self-defense to prevent being gay bashed. Fox also neglected to mention that these woman were not in a “lesbian gang” and all charges of gang related activity were in fact dropped.

Appealing to the homophobic fears of a conservative public that makes up the majority of their viewers, the news report repeatedly discusses the indoctrination of youth into these “homosexual” gangs. Featured prominently in this broadcast is the theoretical sexual coercion of youth. This sort of sensationalist reporting brings to the surface the fears of middle America that their precious children could be the next victims of the rabid “homosexuals” waiting in dark alleys for an unsuspecting good and straight teen. The broadcast goes a step further to foster fears of parents through the discussion of the presence of these homosexual gangs in schools, and the recruitment practices. Was this a cheap shot at the inclusion of GSA’s in America’s High Schools and the fact that their numbers have increased exponentially in the past few years? It’s impossible to say, however the broadcast goes on to make sweeping claims without any apparent sources stating that the issues of homosexual gangs in American schools is “so prevalent” that school systems are “starting to take a closer look”. There is no mention of what schools, what these “gangs” look like etc.

One particularly interesting thing about the ways in which these gangs are framed over the course of the broadcast is they are compared to “ethnic gangs.” First of all these comparisons then rely on racist media portrayals and the institutionalized racism that is prevelant in American culture. The Fox viewers are used to hearing about these sorts of gangs, and have been indoctrinated in a media culture, which has already convinced them that they are in immanent danger of being attacked. This media broadcast thus plays into those already existing fears simply by making the subject of those fears the “homosexual” as apposed to people of color. There is also special attention paid to remind viewers that these are a “lower socioeconomic crew” thus playing into classist stereotypes, which fester, in the mainstream media as well as the American public at large. These are people, which are not like the good gays and lesbians which fox discusses being normally associated with “social movements.” Rather these individuals are associated with criminal activity feeding into stereotypes that poor queer people, and particularly poor queer people of color are dangerous. These media images serve to not only create a culture of fear surrounding queerness, but also further divide the queer community. White owning class gays and lesbians may have gained some degree of acceptability, and can be seen in the media: Will of Will and Grace is an example of this Rosie O’Donnell is another example. However the lines are clearly being drawn that queer people who do not fit into these appropriate categories are to be feared. It is interesting to note here that, while most conservative arguments frame “homosexuality” as a choice, this broadcast is aligning queerness with race. Thus the argument seems to be made here that queerness is in someway innate thus removing it from the “choice” moral arguments which often plague media discussion of these issues.

In the midst of this “news” broadcast it is also interesting to note that they make reference to the “Pink Pistols” saying that they are a “homosexual gang.” However in reality the Pink Pistols are an international organization who state on their website ( that they are "dedicated to the legal, safe, and responsible use of firearms for self-defense of the sexual-minority community. We no longer believe it is the right of those who hate and fear gay, lesbian, bi, trans, or polyamorous persons to use us as targets for their rage. Self-defense is our RIGHT." As an organization they do not promote gang violence, rather they support the rights of Americans to be armed, and argue that specifically queer Americans should own firearms to protect themselves in our homophobic dangerous society.

Note: In a follow-up broadcast after receiving heavy criticism from GLAAD and others, Fox admitted that the figures they used in discussing the “homosexual” gang epidemic were exaggerated and not accurate. They admit to have gotten “carried away” in their analysis although they still maintain that this is a valid news issue that should be reported on. In this broadcast they did an interview with a GLAAD spokesman that broadcast can be viewed bellow.


Gwen Patton, NG3P said...

The Pink Pistols is not, and never has been, an affiliate -- or "chapter " -- of the NRA.

We may have similar goals to some degree, but there is no tie between our organizations whatsoever, by choice of the membership, and by design of the organization.

If I can answer any other questions or clarify any other issues, please do not hesitate to contact me through the Pink Pistols website.

---Gwen Patton
Pink Pistols
International Media Spokesperson

About said...

Hi Gwen
Thank you for taking the time to comment, and i am truly sorry for the misinformation. The blog post referencing the pink pistols has been edited.

-Sassafras Lowrey
Fuchsia Focus